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Home Hotel News The new online service from the hotel "Cosmos" is Visa support for foreign visitors

The new online service from the hotel "Cosmos" is Visa support for foreign visitors

23 March 2012

According to the laws of the Russian Federation to obtain a tourist visa foreign citizens must submit an official document to the embassy that is visa invitation. The new service of the hotel "Cosmos" is intended to facilitate the procedure for obtaining a Russian visa for foreign visitors.

How do I get an invitation for 5 minutes? Click on the link and fill out a short form. For your convenience this form is simplified and you will only need to type the necessary information. At the end of the ordering procedure a complete package of official documents will be sent to your email address.

The payment for services should be made directly in the process of ordering a visa invitation. All that is required for payment is a banking card Visa or MasterCard with a sufficient amount on the account.

With the help of the new service, you can order invitations for several persons and the duration and complexity of the procedure will remain the same.

To issue visa invitations the "Cosmos" hotel uses a special service iVisa. The developer of the service is the TravelLine company that specializes in producing software products for the hospitality industry since 2009.

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