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Home Hotel News Cosmos hotel congratulates you with the knowledge day!

Cosmos hotel congratulates you with the knowledge day!

30 August 2017

Cosmos hotel congratulates you with the knowledge day!

September 1 means white bows, excitement, the smell of new textbooks and freshly painted desks, new acquaintances and meetings with old friends. The Day of Knowledge is important for everyone, both kids who go to school for the first time, older students who are happy to discuss their vacations with friends, students and their parents.

Cosmos hotel congratulates you on September 1! Grow, develop and learn new things - the hotel wishes you to keep up with the time and never be complacent.

A visit to Moscow is a great gift for you or your child on the Knowledge Day. And Cosmos Hotel will be happy to accommodate you this September! "Moskvarium", the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, the Biological and Darwin Museums - vacationing in the capital can be not only entertaining, but also educative.

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