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Home Hotel News State security tools expo at VDNKH

State security tools expo at VDNKH

10 October 2017

State security tools expo at VDNKH

October 17 till 20, the Russia's biggest exhibition of state security facilities and tools - "Interpolitekh" expo - will take place in VDNKh Pavilion №75 in Moscow. The organizers are: the Internal Affairs Ministry of Russia, the Federal Security Service of Russia and the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation.

The event has a federal status and is held for the benefit of the law-enforcement bodies of Russia. The results of the expo are directly linked to state orders and implementation of a number of federal programs.

There will be several expositions complementing each other at the expo: police equipment expo, guarding technologies and systems, a military and technical salon and the "State Border" and "Multi-Role Unmanned Systems" showrooms.

Special forces units will make their exhibition performances to demonstrate close fight; other performances will include shows of the aerobatic team, dog service and other teams of the Russian Internal Affairs Ministry.

Not to miss all the interesting activities, book a hotel close by. Cosmos Hotel is only 2 minutes' walk away from metro and 10 minutes' walk away from VDNKh, so you can easily get to the Pavilion on foot. You are most welcome!

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