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Home Hotel News Tatiana's Day, January 25

Tatiana's Day, January 25

21 January 2019

Tatiana's Day, January 25

On Tatiana's Day - the International Students Day - Cosmos Hotel will congratulate all students and all Tatianas. On January 25, VDNKh will host celebrations and special events.

January 25 is the International Students Day, or Tatiana's Day! Cosmos Hotel congratulates all students and Tatianas on this holiday of youth and fun! We wish you easy exam sessions, kind teachers and, of course, new travels together with Cosmos!

On January 25, you will be able to take part in the festivities and events that are held at VDNKh in honor of the International Students Day. The legendary Moscow exhibition is very close to Cosmos hotel - just take a 5-10 minutes walk and you are there.

Surprises for the guests will come from the skating rinks of the “Winter City” VDNKh, the Robostation exhibition, the Tekhnograd center, the Moskvarium center of oceanography, the historical park “Russia is my history”.

Tatianas will be able to visit the Flower Garden rink at a discount price, and all Tatianas who are students admission will be totally free. Tatianas and students will also enjoy discounts from the “Curling” pavilion and the “Yukigassen” site, as well as the interactive exhibition “Robostation” and one of the largest European oceanariums “Moskvarium”.

The Tekhnograd leisure and education center will hold the team quest “Universal scale vacancies”, as well as master classes, consultations, a barman show and a disco party. Guests can take pictures in the uniform of various professions.

“Russia is my history” historical park will hold the “Happy Day” event which all Tatianas will be able to visit for free.

Enjoy the holidays and everyday life with Cosmos hotel!

Venue: VDNKh.

Date: January 25.

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