“Navruz-2019” Festival, March 24 at VDNKH
18 March 2019

March 24, Moscow city festival "Navruz-2019" will be held at VDNKh.
The festival will host many activities. Thus, the guests of the VDNKh can attend an expo-fair of national arts, crafts and traditions of the peoples living in Moscow and participating in the Navruz festival.
There will also be an opening ceremony for the festival, where Russian pop stars will perform.
Also, the guests of the festival will be able attend a concert of performers' teams from different countries and republics. Among them are: Russia, Tatarstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bashkortostan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan.
Venue: VDNKh, pavilion №75.
Dates and time: March 24, 2019 from 13:00 to 20:00.
Ticket price: free of charge.