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Home Hotel News “Moralny Kodeks” concert “Children of Summer” on July 28 at VDNKh's Green Theater

“Moralny Kodeks” concert “Children of Summer” on July 28 at VDNKh's Green Theater

24 July 2019

“Moralny Kodeks” concert “Children of Summer” on July 28 at VDNKh's Green Theater

Moscow Music Group "Moralny Kodeks" is a unique phenomenon in the rock-and-roll hierarchy. The group was founded in 1989 and quickly became popular and loved by fans. The esthetic pop-rock by “Moralny Kodeks” is deservedly reputed to be an example of professionalism and good taste.

The band with a 30-year history rarely records albums - five years ago the sixth album of “Moralny Kodeks” “Winter” was released. But, the group often pleases its fans with live concerts, always held with a full house. The hits of the band - “Slavic dances”, “Good-bye, mother”, “I choose you”, “Where are you” and many others - are known not only to connoisseurs of Russian rock.

At 19:00 on July 26 “Moralny Kodeks” will give a big summer concert “Children of Summer” at VDNKh's Green Theater. Great evening in the company of your favorite tunes guaranteed!

Venue: VDNKh, Green Theater.

Date and time: July 28, 19:00.

Ticket price: from RUB 1500.

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