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Home Hotel News Dizzi Boyz Brass Band, August 9 at VDNKh

Dizzi Boyz Brass Band, August 9 at VDNKh

6 August 2019

Dizzi Boyz Brass Band, August 9 at VDNKh

VDNKh continues to celebrate its 80th anniversary on a grand scale. The program that the Exhibition has prepared for its guests includes a wide variety of events and excursions. Also as part of the celebration of the anniversary of VDNKh, a variety of musical bands give their concerts.

Thus, to celebrate the birthday of VDNKh, the Polish musical group Dizzi Boyz Brass Band will perform at the scene near the Stone Flower fountain on August 9. The performance will be held as part of the Brass Band Festival.

The creator of the Dizzi Boyz Brass Band music project is Yakuya Domansky. In the band, he joined together saxophones, a trombone, drums and tubes, as well as brass wind musical instruments of the alto-soprano register.

Concert guests will hear energetic tunes in a variety of arrangements. Jazz, funk, rock, pop and latin performed by the Dizzi Boyz Brass Band orchestra will make an unforgettable impression on all lovers of quality music.

Venue: VDNKh, Stone Flower fountain.

Date and time: August 9, 19:00.

Ticket price: Free admission.

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