August 14 - Honey Feast Day
14 August 2019
August 14th is the Honey Feast Day, an Orthodox church and Slavic holiday. This is a folk calendar day among the Slavs, falling on August 14, and a holiday of the Orthodox Church. It is also the beginning of the Assumption Fast. Another name is Poppy Feast Day. According to Slavic tradition, a small consecration of honey of new collection takes place in churches on this day. Honey gingerbreads are baked on the Honey Feast Day, as well as pancakes with poppy seeds and honey and poppy seeds buns.
Cosmos Hotel congratulates you on the holiday and will tell you on which venues of Moscow you can spend this day.
Pokrovskoye-Stershnevo Park
On August 14, at 11:00, the park invites guests to thematic contests, quizzes and master classes - all on the honey theme. Prior registration is required for free participation.
To get from the Cosmos Hotel to the Pokrovskoye-Stershnevo Park by metro, you need to go from VDNKh station along the orange line to Botanichesky Sad station. Then get out and go to the MCC station of the same name - then proceed to Stershnevo station. A short walk of less than a kilometer - and there you are in the park! The whole trip takes about 45 minutes.
“Lesnaya Skazka” Ecocenter
On the same day, at 14:30, an open lesson “Bee family” will be held in the Ecocenter. You will hear about the life of the hive, the distribution of roles and hierarchy in the bee family. Participation is also free and requires prior registration.
To get to the Lesnaya Skazka Ecocenter from Cosmos Hotel, you need to go from VDNKh station and get off at Novoyasenevskaya metro station. Then you can either walk a little more than two kilometers or take bus 262 to the final stop “Proyezd Karamzina”. Your destination is the Bitsa Recreation Area. The whole journey takes a little more than an hour.
“Skvorechnik” Ecocenter
Here you can celebrate the Honey Feast Day over a cup of tea. Guests will hear about the beneficial properties of honey, folk traditions of honey collection and the history of bee-keeping. The free event will start at 15:00. Prior registration is required.
“Skvorechnik” Ecocenter, as well as "Lesnaya Skazka" Ecocenter, is located in the Bitsa Recreation Area.
Venue: Pokrovskoye-Stershnevo Park, Bitsa Recreation Area.
Date: August 14.
Ticket price: free admission.