Russian agricultural exhibition "Golden Autumn" 9-12 October
7 October 2019
Every year Ministry of agriculture holds the Golden Autumn exhibition with the support of the government of the Russian Federation. The event is timed to the day of agriculture worker and has the status of the main agriculture forum of Russia for more than twenty years. Traditionally innovative technologies in the field of agriculture in various thematic areas are presented to guests at the exhibition:
- Russia and foreign countries
- Machinery and equipment
- Livestock development - feed, equipment, veterinary care
- Getting tribal offspring
- Festival of national culture
The exhibition is dedicated to a demonstration of achievements in the field of domestic agriculture. A separate business program has been developed for professionals in the region - master classes, lectures. The development of agricultural territories became the main theme in 2019.
Acquaintances with the best products of Russian manufacturers are held for visitors as part of the Golden Autumn exhibition.
Venue: VDNH, Pavilion № 75
Date: October 9 from 13:00 to 18:00, October 10-12 from 9:30 to 18:00.
Cost: Admission is free.