November 19. Moscow Championship "Abilimpix - 2019"
15 November 2019
Abilimpix is the international non-commercial event whose goal is to develop a competitive system of professional excellence for people with disabilities.
The Moscow Abilimpix Championship will be held in 2019, the winners of which will form a city team to participate in federal and international championships.
The organizer of the Moscow championship is the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the population of Moscow with the support of Federal authorities, Russian colleges and universities, as well as regional public organizations and social partners.
The main tasks of the Abilimpix championship are:
- orient people with disabilities or health disabilities to professional education;
- the development of professional skills in people with disabilities or health disabilities;
- employment promotion;
- inclusion of business and employers in the process of professional development of people with disabilities or disabilities.
Venue: Pavilion № 75, VDNH, Moscow.
Date: November 19, 2019