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Home Hotel News November 27-28. Young professionals (WorldSkills Russia)

November 27-28. Young professionals (WorldSkills Russia)

25 November 2019

November 27-28. Young professionals (WorldSkills Russia)

WorldSkills is an international non-profit movement aimed at increasing the importance and prestige of working professions. This movement helps to implement the best world practices and international standards in the educational process. The WorldSkills championship is a platform where leaders of educational institutions, government agencies, representatives of business and public organizations meet to discuss the most pressing issue related to professional skills.

November 27 and 28, the national interuniversity WorldSkills championship will be held with the support of the Union "Agency for development of professional communities" and workers "Young professionals (WorldSkills Russia)" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center VDNH. The main goal of this event is the introduction of modern methods and programs of professional education corresponding to market demands and industry requirements. Student-participations get an excellent experience, the opportunity to assess their level of training and the chances of further employment.

Venue: Pavilion № 75, VDNH, Moscow.
Date and time: November 27 and 28 from 10:00 to18:00.
Cost: Admission is free.

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