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Home Hotel News January 28-30 2020 - MVC grain - animal feed - veterinary medicine

January 28-30 2020 - MVC grain - animal feed - veterinary medicine

20 January 2020

January 28-30 2020 - MVC grain - animal feed - veterinary medicine
January from 28 to 30, the annual event "MVC: grain - animal feed - veterinary medicine" will be held at the exhibition halls of VDNH in Moscow (in pavilion No. 75). The exhibition has been held annually since 1996 with the support of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and other equally important partners.

The following achievements of the agricultural industry will be presented at the exhibition:
• modern technologies and equipment for growing, collecting, transporting, storing and processing grain;
• Agrochemistry;
• agricultural machinery;
• new technologies and equipment for the production of bread products;
• mills, feed mills and grain mills;
• feed for agricultural and domestic animals, poultry, fish;
• veterinary equipment, drugs, tools and services;
• packaging equipment and materials;
• technologies and equipment for livestock, pig, poultry and aquaculture.

Today 456 companies from 24 countries have entered the exhibition: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, India, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, the Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, USA, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Japan and 39 regions of Russia. The exhibition area is more than 22 square meters.

Date and time: January 28-29 from 10:00 to 18:00, January 30 from 10:00 to 16:00.
Cost: online registration is required on the site.
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