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Home Hotel News "Cosmos" invites everyone to a Christmas tree holiday "Children's Radio"!

"Cosmos" invites everyone to a Christmas tree holiday "Children's Radio"!

5 December 2013

From December, 28 to December, 31 and from January, 2 to January,7 we invite everybody on an exciting Christmas program for children in a large concert hall of the hotel complex “Cosmos". The performance "New Year Tree “Children's Radio " - a New Year on the planet Barbariks" will be held at 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 . If your child is between 3 and 7 years old he or she will be delighted with this most interesting Christmas tale. Tickets are now on sale!

The plot of the performance will certainly entice your children. Barbariks are good people in the world Barbarella. They suffered misfortune. They were captured by the evil pirates and now the New Year is under the threat! The heroes of the morning program "Children's Radio" Freckle, Kipyatosha and a postman Uncle Sasha went to Barbarella to congratulate its inhabitants with a holiday. That’s why they learned out what had happened. Now they need to return the New Year to good Barbariks! Will the heroes of "Children's Radio" succeed? The participants of the holiday will learn about this in the end of the show which will last for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

An hour before the start of the program the sites with fun contests, quizzes and other entertainment will be opened in the foyer of the concert hall. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will dance in a ting around the Christmas tree. And if you will get a voucher of "Children's Radio" in advance your children will receive a Christmas gift.

The Big Concert Hall "Cosmos" is one of the best concert halls of the capital. That is why the "Children's Radio" chose it for their holiday program. To give your children an unforgettable adventure buy tickets for a performance and book rooms in "Cosmos" right now!

Happy New Year!

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