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Home Hotel News MONUMENT TO CHARLES DE GAULLE TO BE OPEN SOON! The square in front of the Cosmos Hotel has...

MONUMENT TO CHARLES DE GAULLE TO BE OPEN SOON! The square in front of the Cosmos Hotel has...

11 April 2005

MONUMENT TO CHARLES DE GAULLE TO BE OPEN SOON! The square in front of the Cosmos Hotel has...
MONUMENT TO CHARLES DE GAULLE TO BE OPEN SOON! The square in front of the Cosmos Hotel has got a new landmark. Assembling of the monument to the President of France, General Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) was finished here on the 7 April. 8-metre height bronze figure of the General de Gaulle was assembled of 4 parts and installed on the 10-metre height pedestal. The ribbon cutting ceremony is going to be held on the Victory Day, 9 May 2005 being dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory.
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